Getting started with GEMINI

After getting started and getting acquainted with DNA sequencing data, it's finally time to explore DNA variation. A tool that makes this easy is GEMINI and this post briefly demonstrates some of its functionality. I have only used GEMINI sparingly and what I know about the tool is gathered mostly from their documentation and tutorials. Be sure to check them out if you're planning on using GEMINI.

But before we begin, I'd like to mention that I recently found out that my affiliation with the University of Western Australia entitled me to some free cloud computing. It's not much but now I can stop using my AWS EC2 instance, which will stop being free this coming May. I bring this up because most of the analyses below (except the ESP6500 analysis) were performed using the free cloud space on a new Ubuntu instance. As mentioned in the documentation, several dependencies need to be installed on minimalistic instances. Anyway, let's get a move on.

Installing GEMINI using the automated script

I've installed GEMINI on my Mac and on various Linux distributions, and each time the automated installation worked well. Otherwise you can manually install GEMINI.

# installing on Ubuntu
cat /etc/lsb-release

# create a new directory for GEMINI
mkdir gemini
python . gemini

# the installation adds the binaries to ~/bin
# make sure that is in your $PATH
gemini --version
gemini 0.18.0

You can also download the GERP and CADD scores for each base of the human genome.

# if you're interested, here's how the data was compressed
# check out
# the gist will also help you understand
# what the columns in the file represent
# ~35G
gemini update --dataonly --extra cadd_score
# ~7G
gemini update --dataonly --extra gerp_bp

Installing vt

The vt program is used to decompose and normalise VCF files. I wrote about these procedures in my previous post. Installing the program is straightforward.

# I had to install git on my instance
# sudo apt-get install git
git clone
cd vt
make test

Installing Perl and VEP

The Variant Effect Predictor program is written in Perl and if you're working on a server without root privileges, I recommend ActivePerl; it makes it easier to install packages. (Since I used a cloud instance, I had root privileges and could make global installations using the CPAN module.) After ActivePerl is installed and added to your $PATH, install these packages using the ActivePerl package manager:

# when you type `which perl` make sure
# it points to the ActivePerl installation
ppm install Archive::Extract
ppm install DBD::mysql

For VEP, I downloaded the cache data manually and extracted it into the .vep directory. The cache data can be downloaded during the installation step when running the script but I did it in a separate step.

# the cache data is ~4.5G
mkdir ~/.vep
cd ~/.vep/
wget -c
tar -xzf homo_sapiens_vep_82_GRCh37.tar.gz

cd ensembl-tools-release-82/scripts/variant_effect_predictor 

There is a example VCF file that you can use, to test the installation: -i example_GRCh37.vcf --cache --assembly GRCh37 --offline --force_overwrite

Downloading test data

In The Exomiser (version 6.0.0) data directory is a VCF file that contains a pathogenic variant for Pfeiffer syndrome. I've hosted this file on my server (~8M) but if you want to download The Exomiser as well, follow the steps below. Otherwise, just download the file from my server.

# download distribution ~1.3G
wget --continue

# checksum
md5sum exomiser-cli-6.0.0/data/Pfeiffer.vcf
bf81821b18a6c91ef821a30c42aebc66  Pfeiffer.vcf

Downloading the reference genome

The vt normalise step requires a reference genome. If you look inside Pfeiffer.vcf, you'll notice that the chromosome names are 1, 2, 3, etc. If you're a UCSC Genome Browser fan, like myself, you're probably used to the chr1, chr2, chr3, etc. convention; the 1, 2, 3, etc. convention is used by the 1000 Genomes project. There's an excellent
article that explains the conventions and the differences between the 1000 Genomes and UCSC Genome Browser references. As I found out, this difference in naming, causes some annoyance.

wget -c
gunzip human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz

# to save space and to allow
# tabix indexing
bgzip human_g1k_v37.fasta

GEMINI workflow

Now that we have everything in place, we can go through the GEMINI workflow. First, we decompose and normalise our VCF file (Pfeiffer.vcf). Then we annotate the variants using a variant annotation tool; I have decided to go with VEP. And lastly, we use GEMINI to create a sqlite database (combining other data sources as well) from the VCF file.

# First decompose and normalise
vt decompose -s Pfeiffer.vcf | vt normalize -r human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz - > Pfeiffer_vt.vcf

# Annotate using VEP
perl ~/work/ensembl-tools-release-82/scripts/variant_effect_predictor/ -i Pfeiffer_vt.vcf -o Pfeiffer_vt_vep.vcf --vcf \
--offline --cache --sift b --polyphen b --symbol --numbers --biotype --total_length \
--fields Consequence,Codons,Amino_acids,Gene,SYMBOL,Feature,EXON,PolyPhen,SIFT,Protein_position,BIOTYPE

# finally load into GEMINI
gemini load -v Pfeiffer_vt_vep.vcf -t VEP Pfeiffer_vt_vep.db

Exploring the variants

This excellent tutorial explains the basics of making queries using GEMINI. I also wrote a blog post on SQLite. To know what tables and columns are available, check out the GEMINI database schema. Below are some basic queries I came up with.

# how many variants?
gemini query -q 'select count(*) from variants' --header Pfeiffer_vt_vep.db

# how many SNPs and INDELs?
gemini query -q 'select type,count(*) from variants group by type' --header Pfeiffer_vt_vep.db
type    count(*)
indel   3844
snp     33808

# core VCF fields
gemini query -q 'select chrom,start,end,vcf_id,variant_id,anno_id,ref,alt,qual,filter from variants limit 10' --header Pfeiffer_vt_vep.db
chrom   start   end     vcf_id  variant_id      anno_id ref     alt     qual    filter
chr1    866510  866511  rs60722469      1       1       C       CCCCT   258.619995117   None
chr1    879316  879317  rs7523549       2       2       C       T       150.770004272   None
chr1    879481  879482  None    3       3       G       C       484.519989014   None
chr1    880389  880390  rs3748593       4       11      C       A       288.440002441   None
chr1    881626  881627  rs2272757       5       4       G       A       486.239990234   None
chr1    884090  884091  rs7522415       6       4       C       G       65.4599990845   None
chr1    884100  884101  rs4970455       7       2       A       C       85.8099975586   None
chr1    892459  892460  rs41285802      8       6       G       C       1736.69995117   None
chr1    897729  897730  rs7549631       9       5       C       T       225.339996338   None
chr1    909237  909238  rs3829740       10      3       G       C       247.539993286   None

# the impact severity of the variants
gemini query -q 'select impact_severity,count(*) from variants group by impact_severity' --header Pfeiffer_vt_vep.db
impact_severity count(*)
HIGH    256
LOW     31930
MED     5466

# how many variants are in ClinVar
# and what are their annotation/s
gemini query -q 'select clinvar_sig,count(*) from variants group by clinvar_sig' --header Pfeiffer_vt_vep.db
clinvar_sig     count(*)
None    36443
benign  639
benign,drug-response,other      1
benign,other    17
benign,pathogenic       3
benign,pathogenic,other 1
drug-response   7
drug-response,other     1
likely-benign   231
likely-benign,benign    41
likely-benign,benign,other      1
likely-benign,other     3
not-provided    65
not-provided,benign     13
not-provided,benign,other       2
not-provided,likely-benign      1
not-provided,other      6
not-provided,pathogenic 4
not-provided,pathogenic,other   1
not-provided,uncertain,benign,other     1
other   121
other,drug-response     1
pathogenic      11
pathogenic,other        7
uncertain       15
uncertain,benign        5
uncertain,likely-benign,benign  1

# find variants that are listed as
# pathogenic in ClinVar
gemini query -q 'select chrom,start,end,ref,alt,qual,gene,clinvar_disease_name from variants where clinvar_sig like "%pathogenic%"' --header Pfeiffer_vt_vep.db
chrom   start   end     ref     alt     qual    gene    clinvar_disease_name
chr1    70904799        70904800        G       T       859.229980469   CTH     Homocysteine,_total_plasma,_elevated
chr1    94512564        94512565        C       T       1556.08996582   ABCA4   MACULAR_DEGENERATION,_AGE-RELATED,_2,_SUSCEPTIBILITY_TO|Stargardt_disease_1|not_provided|not_specified
chr1    98348884        98348885        G       A       830.869995117   DPYD    Dihydropyrimidine_dehydrogenase_deficiency,not_provided
chr1    223285199       223285200       G       A       486.880004883   TLR5    Legionellosis|Systemic_lupus_erythematosus,_resistance_to,_1|Melioidosis,_resistance_to
chr1    231408090       231408091       A       G       1555.84997559   GNPAT   Rhizomelic_chondrodysplasia_punctata_type_2
chr3    10331456        10331457        G       T       1153.54003906   GHRL    Obesity,_age_at_onset_of|Metabolic_syndrome,_susceptibility_to
chr3    38645419        38645420        T       C       129.509994507   SCN5A   Progressive_familial_heart_block_type_1A|not_specified|not_provided
chr3    39307255        39307256        C       T       897.16998291    CX3CR1  Human_immunodeficiency_virus_type_1,_rapid_progression_to_AIDS|Coronary_artery_disease,_resistance_to|Age-related_macular_degeneration_12|MACULAR_DEGENERATION,_AGE-RELATED,_12,_SUSCEPTIBILITY_TO
chr3    165491279       165491280       C       T       173.919998169   BCHE    BCHE,_K_variant|CHE*539T
chr4    187004073       187004074       C       T       175.009994507   TLR3    Congenital_human_immunodeficiency_virus
chr5    35861067        35861068        T       C       989.719970703   IL7R    Severe_combined_immunodeficiency,_autosomal_recessive,_T_cell-negative,_B_cell-positive,_NK_cell-positive|not_specified
chr5    35871189        35871190        G       A       400.589996338   IL7R    Severe_combined_immunodeficiency,_autosomal_recessive,_T_cell-negative,_B_cell-positive,_NK_cell-positive|not_specified
chr5    149212242       149212243       G       C       2727.2800293    PPARGC1B        Obesity,_variation_in
chr7    94946083        94946084        A       T       906.369995117   PON1    Coronary_artery_disease,_susceptibility_to|Microvascular_complications_of_diabetes_5|Enzyme_activity_finding
chr9    132580900       132580901       C       G       657.179992676   TOR1A   Dystonia_1,_torsion,_modifier_of|Dystonia_1
chr10   101829513       101829514       C       T       421.380004883   CPN1    Anaphylotoxin_inactivator_deficiency
chr11   68855362        68855363        G       A       59.3199996948   TPCN2   Skin/hair/eye_pigmentation,_variation_in,_10
chr11   89017960        89017961        G       A       258.910003662   TYR     Oculocutaneous_albinism_type_1B|Oculocutaneous_albinism_type_1,_temperature_sensitive|Cutaneous_malignant_melanoma_8|Skin/hair/eye_pigmentation,_variation_in,_3|Skin/hair/eye_pigmentation_3,_blue/green_eyes|WAARDENBURG_SYNDROME_2_AND_OCULAR_ALBINISM,_DIGENIC|not_provided
chr11   111635565       111635566       C       T       335.880004883   PPP2R1B Lung_cancer
chr12   6458349 6458350 A       G       1335.06994629   SCNN1A  Bronchiectasis_with_or_without_elevated_sweat_chloride_2
chr14   21790039        21790040        G       T       97.0100021362   RPGRIP1 Cone-rod_dystrophy_13|not_provided
chr17   12915008        12915009        G       A       650.349975586   ELAC2   Prostate_cancer,_hereditary,_2
chr22   18905963        18905964        C       T       164.479995728   PRODH   Proline_dehydrogenase_deficiency|Schizophrenia_4
chr22   42523942        42523943        A       G       530.0   CYP2D6  Debrisoquine,_ultrarapid_metabolism_of
chr22   51064038        51064039        G       C       650.539978027   ARSA    Metachromatic_leukodystrophy|not_specified
chr10   123256214       123256215       T       G       100.0   FGFR2   Pfeiffer_syndrome

The last query, outputs variants that are in the ClinVar database and listed as pathogenic. On the very last line of the output is the causative variant for Pfeiffer syndrome (unintentionally convenient), which is located in the FGFR2 gene. (This is also the variant that The Exomiser prioritises, along with two other intronic variants in the FGFR2 gene.) In addition, this variant is not present in HapMap, ESP, the 1000 Genomes project, and ExAC.

gemini query -q 'select in_hm2,in_hm3,in_esp,in_1kg,in_exac from variants where clinvar_disease_name == "Pfeiffer_syndrome"' --header Pfeiffer_vt_vep.db
in_hm2  in_hm3  in_esp  in_1kg  in_exac
None    None    0       0       0

What are the PolyPhen, SIFT, and CADD scores of this variant?

gemini query -q 'select polyphen_score,sift_score,cadd_scaled from variants where clinvar_disease_name == "Pfeiffer_syndrome"' --header Pfeiffer_vt_vep.db
polyphen_score  sift_score      cadd_scaled
0.907   0.02    23.7

How do these scores compare to the rest of the variants in the VCF file?

gemini query -q 'select polyphen_score,sift_score,cadd_scaled from variants' --header Pfeiffer_vt_vep.db > score.tsv

Load and plot using R:

df <- read.table('score.tsv', header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

df$polyphen_score <- gsub(pattern = "None", replacement = NA, x = df$polyphen_score)
df$sift_score <- gsub(pattern = "None", replacement = NA, x = df$sift_score)
df$cadd_scaled <- gsub(pattern = "None", replacement = NA, x = df$cadd_scaled)

par(mfrow = c(3,1))
plot(density(as.numeric(na.omit(df$polyphen_score))), main="PolyPhen scores")
plot(density(as.numeric(na.omit(df$sift_score))), main="SIFT scores")
plot(density(as.numeric(na.omit(df$cadd_scaled))), main="CADD scaled scores")

scoreThe higher the PolyPhen score, the higher the impact; the lower the SIFT probability score, the higher the impact; and the higher the CADD score, the higher the likelihood of the SNV having a damaging effect.

However, I'm not sure where the other variants in the Pfeiffer.vcf file came from (and whether they are also pathogenic or not). The next section uses GEMINI to explore variants in the NHLBI Grand Opportunity Exome Sequencing Project.


The NHLBI Grand Opportunity Exome Sequencing Project (ESP) provides a list of variants called from 15 separate cohorts that includes over 2,000 exomes. The supplementary data in Tennessen et al., 2012 describes the cohorts and the disease phenotypes associated with the exomes. The variants can be downloaded from the Exome Variant Server; the latest version is ESP6500. For this part of the post, I want to annotate and process the variants in the ESP6500 dataset.

# download and extract
# I realise it says GRCh38-liftover
# but these variants are on GRCh37 coordinates, I checked
wget -c
tar -xzf ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.GRCh38-liftover.snps_indels.vcf.tar.gz

# the VCF files are split by chromosome
# the steps below stitch them back together
# bgzip and index
parallel bgzip ::: *.vcf
parallel tabix -p vcf ::: *.vcf.gz

# merge all the VCF files
bcftools merge -o ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.all.vcf.gz -O z *.vcf.gz

# there's probably a better way 
# to sort a file with comments
gunzip -c ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.all.vcf.gz | grep '^#' > out.vcf
gunzip -c ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.all.vcf.gz | grep -v '^#' | sort -k1,1V -k2,2n >> out.vcf
bgzip out.vcf
mv -f out.vcf.gz ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.all.vcf.gz

# decompose and normalise
# I have a hg19.fa file where the "chr"
# has been removed
vt decompose -s ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.all.vcf.gz | vt normalize -r hg19_no_chr.fa - | gzip > ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.all.vt.vcf.gz

# annotate using VEP
perl ~/src/ensembl-tools-release-82/scripts/variant_effect_predictor/ -i ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.all.vt.vcf.gz -o ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.all.vt.vep.vcf --vcf \
--offline --cache --sift b --polyphen b --symbol --numbers --biotype --total_length \
--fields Consequence,Codons,Amino_acids,Gene,SYMBOL,Feature,EXON,PolyPhen,SIFT,Protein_position,BIOTYPE

# load into gemini
# I got a panic attack when I loaded with 64 cores
# because our main server (96 cores with 1TB RAM) became unresponsive
# However, after 30 or so minutes, the server came back to life (phew!)
# I think it was a disk issue
gemini load -v ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.all.vt.vep.vcf -t VEP --cores 64 ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.all.vt.vep.db

After successfully creating the database using GEMINI, I performed some of the queries as above.

gemini query -q 'select count(*) from variants' --header ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.all.vt.vep.db

gemini query -q 'select type,count(*) from variants group by type' --header ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.all.vt.vep.db
type    count(*)
indel   125311
snp     1872893

gemini query -q 'select chrom,start,end,vcf_id,variant_id,anno_id,ref,alt,qual,filter from variants limit 10' --header ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.all.vt.vep.db
chrom   start   end     vcf_id  variant_id      anno_id ref     alt     qual    filter
chr1    69427   69428   rs140739101     1       1       T       G       None    None
chr1    69475   69476   rs148502021     2       1       T       C       None    None
chr1    69495   69496   rs150690004     3       1       G       A       None    None
chr1    69510   69511   rs75062661      4       1       A       G       None    None
chr1    69589   69590   rs141776804     5       1       T       A       None    None
chr1    69593   69594   rs144967600     6       1       T       C       None    None
chr1    69619   69621   None    7       1       TA      T       None    None
chr1    69760   69761   rs200505207     8       1       A       T       None    None
chr1    801942  801943  rs7516866       9       1       C       T       None    None
chr1    801975  801976  rs377032113     10      1       C       T       None    None

gemini query -q 'select impact_severity,count(*) from variants group by impact_severity' --header ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.all.vt.vep.db
impact_severity count(*)
HIGH    51861
LOW     1219612
MED     726731

As reported in Tennessen et al., 2012, over 50% of their variants were predicted to be missense variants, i.e. a single nucleotide variant that causes an amino acid change. Missense variants are often annotated with medium severity and thus the bulk of the variants with medium severity are the missence variants.

gemini query -q 'select impact_severity, impact, count(impact) from variants group by impact' --header ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.all.vt.vep.db | sort -k3n
impact_severity impact  count(impact)
MED  protein_altering_variant   66
LOW  mature_miRNA_variant       134
LOW  coding_sequence_variant    139
LOW  stop_retained_variant      395
HIGH stop_lost  794
HIGH start_lost 1243
MED  inframe_insertion  2249
LOW  intergenic_variant 3814
HIGH splice_acceptor_variant    3926
LOW  downstream_gene_variant    4412
HIGH splice_donor_variant       4660
LOW  upstream_gene_variant      6878
MED  inframe_deletion   10655
LOW  non_coding_transcript_exon_variant 10902
HIGH stop_gained     17528
HIGH frameshift_variant 23710
LOW  5_prime_UTR_variant        34229
LOW  3_prime_UTR_variant        47340
LOW  splice_region_variant      71338
LOW  synonymous_variant 423787
LOW  intron_variant  616244
MED  missense_variant   713761

Lastly, let's plot the distribution of PolyPhen, SIFT, and CADD scores for the ESP6500 dataset.

gemini query -q 'select polyphen_score,sift_score,cadd_scaled from variants' --header ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.all.vt.vep.db > score.tsv

Using the same R code as above, we can create the same plots.

esp_scoreThe large number of variants with high impact SIFT scores (low probability scores), are probably the missense variants. There's also a peak at around 10 for the scaled CADD scores that should be interesting to look into.


In this post, I showed the steps required to get GEMINI up and running. I used VEP to annotate two VCF files: a VCF file containing a pathogenic variant for Pfeiffer syndrome and a VCF containing the ESP variants, and processed them using GEMINI. I used GEMINI to output some characteristics of the Pfeiffer syndrome variant and to performed some queries on the ESP variants. I was interested in the PolyPhen, SIFT, and CADD scores of the Pfeiffer syndrome variant and how its score compares with variants in the ESP dataset. The CADD score seems to be a good filter for identifying causative variants.

Further reading

Below is a recent talk by Aaron Quinlan on GEMINI

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