Learning to use biomaRt

In the past I’ve been manually downloading tables of data annoation and parsing them with Perl. I guess it’s time to do things more elegantly. Below is code taken from the biomaRt vignette: Note If you are using Ubuntu and getting a “Cannot find xml2-config” problem while installing XML, a prequisite to biomaRt, try installing…

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Making a barplot in R

Just a short post on making a barplot in R after reading in data via the read.table() function. I created a file with two rows, the first row containing the header and the second row containing the data values. a b c d e 10 20 30 20 10 Horizontal barplot sorted by values

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Comparing different distributions

Updated 2017 September 7th The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test can be used to test whether two underlying one-dimensional probability distributions differ. As noted in the Wikipedia article: Note that the two-sample test checks whether the two data samples come from the same distribution. This does not specify what that common distribution is (e.g. whether it’s normal or…

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I’ve joined Twitter

Today while reading a paper, I found some interesting one-liner facts. They are way too short to create a post on but I would like to make a repository of them. What better place to store these facts than Twitter! You can follow me on Twitter for a list of facts on molecular biology and…

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Variance in RNA-Seq data

Updated 2014 April 18th For this post I will use data from this study, that has been nicely summarised already to examine the variance in RNA-Seq data. Briefly, the study used LNCaP cells, which are androgen-sensitive human prostate adenocarcinoma cells, and treated the cells with DHT and with a mock treatment as the control. The…

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Creating a matrix of scatter plots in R

Scatter plots are 2 dimensional plots that show the relationship between two variables. Here I demonstrate how we can create a matrix of scatter plots in R for datasets that have more than two variables. This is particularly useful when we want to visually inspect whether there are associations between variables. To display correlations on…

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Installing R on Ubuntu

The following information is available from CRAN but for my convenience, I’ve collated the crux here for installing R on Ubuntu. First find your closest mirror here. Currently I am in Japan, so mine is http://cran.ism.ac.jp/. To find out which Ubuntu version you’re using: Now edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list and add this line: deb http://cran.ism.ac.jp//bin/linux/ubuntu…

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DESeq vs. edgeR vs. baySeq using pnas_expression.txt

Following the instructions from a previous post, I filtered the pnas_expression.txt dataset and saved the results in “pnas_expression_filtered.tsv” and then performed the differential gene expression analyses using the respective packages. To run the Perl scripts below, just save the code into a file and name it “something.pl”. Then make the file executable by running “chmod…

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