Gene Ontology Graph Visualisation

After scouring the web all afternoon looking for a solution for visualising gene ontology terms, which I have already found to be over represented, I finally found a simple solution. Prior to this, I had tried several Cytoscape plugins (BiNGO, ClueGO, etc.), online webtools (REVIGO, GOrilla, WEGO, GOLEM, etc.) and others I can’t be bothered…

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K means clustering

Updated: 2014 March 13th From Wikipedia: k-means clustering is a method of vector quantization, originally from signal processing, that is popular for cluster analysis in data mining. k-means clustering aims to partition n observations into k clusters in which each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean, serving as a prototype of the…

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Random Forests in predicting wines

Updated 2014 September 17th to reflect changes in the R packages Source Using Random Forests in predicting wines derived from three different cultivars. Download the wine data set from the Machine Learning Repository.

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Kobe Byrant and the 2012 Lakers

Kobe Byrant and the Lakers (11-14) aren’t doing as well as I had expected given the team they acquired in the off season. Everyone likes to point out that when he scores over x number of points (e.g. 30), the Lakers have lost more than they have won. So I took his stats for this…

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Explaining PCA to a school child

Ed Yong asked on Twitter “Explain principal component analysis to a schoolchild in a tweet.” Since I can’t explain PCA eloquently, I found this interesting and wanted to keep a record of the replies for future reference. Here are some of the modified replies, with my favourite first (and the rest in no particular order):…

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