Getting started with the OMIM API

Updated 2016 September 15th: I’ve made this into an R package, which is available at my GitHub repository A short post on utilising the OMIM API via some wrapper functions I wrote in R. A wrapper, as explained in the Wikipedia article, is simply a subroutine that calls another subroutine. If you plan on using…

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OMIM IDs to gene coordinates

A post on linking OMIM IDs to gene coordinates using biomaRt; this provides a way of representing OMIM IDs on the genome. For those unfamiliar with OMIM, here’s the description from the OMIM FAQ: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) is a continuously updated catalog of human genes and genetic disorders and traits, with particular…

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Finding composite repetitive elements

Transposons have the ability to “jump” around in genomes and sometimes transposons jump into genomic sites occupied by other repetitive elements; these cases are what I refer to as “composite repetitive elements” for the purpose of this post. While almost all DNA transposons and the majority of retrotransposons have lost the ability to move around…

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How do I fetch lincRNAs from Ensembl?

Here’s a very short post on how to fetch lincRNAs from Ensembl using R and the biomaRt package. For those who are not familiar with biomaRt, you can check out my older post on biomaRt. Firstly, start R and install the biomaRt package from Bioconductor by copying and pasting the code below:

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