Amino acid quiz using Python

I keep forgetting amino acid abbreviations and their classes because I never bothered learning them. To see if I can teach an old dog (me) new tricks, I wrote this simple Python script that asks questions about amino acids. I’ll keep doing the quiz until I can finally remember. Below is the Python code for…

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Reading a list of files into a single R data frame

I had been using map_dfr from the purrr package to load multiple files into one single data frame. But this function has been superseded with the following explanation: The functions were superseded in purrr 1.0.0 because their names suggest they work like _lgl(), _int(), etc which require length 1 outputs, but actually they return results…

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Reading irregular data into R

Some bioinformatics tools output files that are visually nice and are meant for manual inspection. This practice of generating visually nice output (and/or) Excel files may be rooted in how bioinformaticians and biologists used to work with each other; give the bioinformatician/s some data to analyse and they will generate output that will be manually…

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