
Last updated: 2023/07/04

I'm a computational biologist who is interested in genomics, machine learning, and too many things for my own good. Nowadays I mainly use R, Python, and Bash to get my work done. I used to use a lot of Perl but I've made the switch to Python.

This blog started off in 2010 as my online notebook while I was completing my PhD and still serves as my online notebook. I typically write posts as I'm learning something new, which is why most of my posts are prefixed with "Getting started with x". Sometimes I write posts because I've been asked the same question several times and it's easier to refer people to a tutorial.

During the years, I have considered giving up blogging but several things have spurred me on. I get the occasional direct message that my blog has been useful and that's very motivating! I still get a little traffic to my blog, so I'll assume it's still relevant. And finally, I actually like writing technical documents because it lets me delve into a problem/tool.

I learned from a friend that my blog was included in the 70 Best Bioinformatics Blogs and Websites. There are some nice blogs included there but only few of them include active bloggers. I have a blogroll that contains links to some blogs that I find interesting.

If you are interested in any of the posts on this blog and/or have a question, just leave a comment or email me@davetang.org and I will try to answer as soon as possible. Or if you found a post useful and just wanted to let me know, feel free to email me as well. Please note that all comments are moderated and will only appear after approval. If you don't see it, I haven't gotten around to approving it yet.

Have fun,

P.S. If you are interested in my C.V., you can find it on my GitHub repo (last updated 2023-07-02).

P.S.S. I'm writing a book about my personal bioinformatics journey. There's a lot of inspirational stories from famous scientists. If you want to read something the complete opposite, check it out.

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