Using LaTeX with WordPress

Updated 2017 November 17th WordPress now supports LaTeX. To display LaTeX, just surround the code with “$latex” and “$”, without the quotations. In this post, I show some formulae from this tutorial on SVD. I’ve shown the code for each formula; you can also mouseover the formula to see the code.

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Using tabix

Updated 2013 November 20th Tabix as described in the abstract of the paper: Tabix is the first generic tool that indexes position sorted files in TAB-delimited formats such as GFF, BED, PSL, SAM and SQL export, and quickly retrieves features overlapping specified regions. Tabix features include few seek function calls per query, data compression with…

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For the past week I’ve been attending the: Karolinska Institutet – RIKEN Joint International Doctoral Course on “Epigenomics: Methods and Applications to Disease and Development” Today is the last day of the course and the course participants have to come up with a proposal that combines epigenetics and its application to a particular disease (our…

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