goseq using pnas_expression_filtered.tsv

goseq is a Bioconductor package for performing a gene ontology analysis for RNA-seq and other length biased data. For more information on how to use the package, please refer to the vignette. For more information on the pnas_expression file please refer to my older post. The x-axis of the plot above are binned lengths of…

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Bidirectional genes

Download 5′ UTR for all RefSeq genes using the UCSC Table Browser. Separate features according to strand Use intersectBed to find overlapping features Performing a GO enrichment analysis on the unique list of bidirectional genes and using all the genes as the universe list: Although this was a brief analysis, the results are somewhat similar…

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Gene Ontology enrichment analysis

Updated: 2019 March 24th The Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis is a popular type of analysis that is carried out after a differential gene expression analysis has been carried out. There are many tools available for performing a gene ontology enrichment analysis. Online tools include DAVID, PANTHER and GOrilla. Bioconductor pacakges include GOstats, topGO and goseq….

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