Intersect in R

A colleague asked me this question: “I’m trying to find a way to find genes that overlap between three datasets. I have used intersect for two dataframes but can’t seem to find a solution for three dataframes on google. Do you know any snazzy way of doing that?” I thought using the venn() function from…

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A single exome

In the age of 50,000+ and 60,000+ whole exome catalogues, it’s hard to find processed data for a single exome. At least I had trouble trying to find a single VCF file for a single exome from one individual. After searching for a while, I gave up and decided to generate one myself. This post…

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Basic Shiny app to fetch variant information

I created a basic Shiny app that uses the myvariant package to fetch variant information from The variants need to be represented in the format recommended by the Human Genome Variation Society. Once you have your variant of interest in the correct format, just hit “Get variant info!” and the annotations will appear on…

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Making a heatmap in R with the superheat package

I discovered the superheat package a few days ago and the adjacent plots feature was really attractive. The superheat #rstats package for making heatmaps looks super! I like the adjacent plots — Dave Tang (@davetang31) February 3, 2017

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Gantt chart using R

A post on creating a Gantt chart using R; these are good for showing a project timeline in grant applications. The code is adapted from an answer on Stack Overflow. You will need the ggplot2 and reshape2 packages; install them if you haven’t already.

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Web traffic to date

I’m going to include my blog as a form of community engagement in my fellowship application. The only objective way I can measure its impact is by the number of views. Luckily the WordPress API makes it easy to download all my web traffic and I have made this data available online. I wrote this…

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