The tidyr pivot_longer and pivot_wider functions using base R

I use tidyverse packages a lot and most of the times I prefer them over base R functions, especially when it comes to plotting. However, sometimes I want to write an R script with no dependencies. This is typically referred to as using base R, i.e. using only functions that come with R. Theoretically this means that anyone with R installed can run the script. (This is not a guarantee though because people use different versions of R and if my script uses functionality introduced in a later version of R, like the base R pipe, users with outdated versions of R will not be able to run the script.)

In one of my scripts, I need to convert data from long format to wide. The pivot_longer and pivot_wider functions in the tidyr package can be used to convert data into long and wide format, respectively. You may already be familiar with data in wide format; one example of wide data is a gene expression data, where gene
expression for a gene is measured in different tissues.

gene_exp <- read.delim(
  file = "",
  header = TRUE

        gene T1a T1b  T2  T3  N1  N2
1 Gene_00001   0   0   2   0   0   1
2 Gene_00002  20   8  12   5  19  26
3 Gene_00003   3   0   2   0   0   0
4 Gene_00004  75  84 241 149 271 257
5 Gene_00005  10  16   4   0   4  10
6 Gene_00006 129 126 451 223 243 149

We can convert the wide gene expression data to long format using pivot_longer.

  data = gene_exp,
  cols = -gene,
  names_to = "sample",
  values_to = "count"
) -> gene_exp_long

# A tibble: 6 × 3
  gene       sample count
  <chr>      <chr>  <int>
1 Gene_00001 T1a        0
2 Gene_00001 T1b        0
3 Gene_00001 T2         2
4 Gene_00001 T3         0
5 Gene_00001 N1         0
6 Gene_00001 N2         1

There are advantages to using wide and long format but I typically convert my wide data to long format for use with ggplot2.


ggplot(gene_exp_long[1:(6*20), ], aes(gene, count, fill = sample)) +
  geom_col(position = position_dodge()) +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_blank()) +

Converting long data back to wide data can be done using pivot_wider.

  data = gene_exp_long,
  id_cols = gene,
  names_from = sample,
  values_from = count
# A tibble: 18,760 × 7
   gene         T1a   T1b    T2    T3    N1    N2
   <chr>      <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
 1 Gene_00001     0     0     2     0     0     1
 2 Gene_00002    20     8    12     5    19    26
 3 Gene_00003     3     0     2     0     0     0
 4 Gene_00004    75    84   241   149   271   257
 5 Gene_00005    10    16     4     0     4    10
 6 Gene_00006   129   126   451   223   243   149
 7 Gene_00007    13     4    21    19    31     4
 8 Gene_00008     0     3     0     0     0     0
 9 Gene_00009   202   122   256    43   287   357
10 Gene_00010    10     8    56   145    14    15
# 18,750 more rows

Now, how do we do this using base R?


If you look online for how to mimic the pivot_longer and pivot_wider functions in base R, you will be introduced to the reshape() function. The documentation for reshape() describes the function as:

This function reshapes a data frame between "wide" format (with repeated measurements in separate columns of the same row) and "long" format (with the repeated measurements in separate rows).

The documentation also shows how reshape() is typically used:

  • Typical usage for converting from long to wide format:
# reshape(data, direction = "wide",
#         idvar = "___", timevar = "___", # mandatory
#         v.names = c(___),    # time-varying variables
#         varying = list(___)) # auto-generated if missing
  • Typical usage for converting from wide to long format:
# reshape(data, direction = "long",
#         varying = c(___), # vector
#         sep)              # to help guess 'v.names' and 'times'

Here we convert the wide gene expression data to long format using reshape.

  data = gene_exp,
  direction = "long",
  varying = colnames(gene_exp)[-1],
  v.names = "count",
  times = colnames(gene_exp)[-1],
  timevar = "sample"
) -> out

# order by gene like pivot_longer
out <- out[order(out$gene), ]

# remove row names
row.names(out) <- NULL

# remove id column
out$id <- NULL

        gene sample count
1 Gene_00001    T1a     0
2 Gene_00001    T1b     0
3 Gene_00001     T2     2
4 Gene_00001     T3     0
5 Gene_00001     N1     0
6 Gene_00001     N2     1
table(out$count == gene_exp_long$count)

We achieved the same result using reshape but with a bit more typing. (I simply compared the count values above instead of using identical or all.equal because reshape adds attributes to the object that make it different to the pivot_longer object.)

The arguments for varying and times should be the column names of the data frame minus the variable to keep constant. v.names corresponds to values_to and timevar corresponds to names_to in pivot_longer.

The reshape() function can also be used to convert long format back to wide.

  data = out,
  direction = "wide",
  idvar = "gene",
  timevar = "sample",
  v.names = "count"
) -> out2

colnames(out2) <- sub("^count\\.", "", colnames(out2))
        gene T1a T1b  T2  T3  N1  N2
1 Gene_00001   0   0   2   0   0   1
2 Gene_00002  20   8  12   5  19  26
3 Gene_00003   3   0   2   0   0   0
4 Gene_00004  75  84 241 149 271 257
5 Gene_00005  10  16   4   0   4  10
6 Gene_00006 129 126 451 223 243 149
         gene T1a T1b  T2  T3  N1  N2
1  Gene_00001   0   0   2   0   0   1
7  Gene_00002  20   8  12   5  19  26
13 Gene_00003   3   0   2   0   0   0
19 Gene_00004  75  84 241 149 271 257
25 Gene_00005  10  16   4   0   4  10
31 Gene_00006 129 126 451 223 243 149

It wasn't obvious to me how I could control the name of the columns (count is added to the start of the column name) so I simply added one more line of code to remove the variable name.


R is a statistical language and the design/implementation of functions, their arguments, and documentation reflect this. I'm not a statistician and a lot of the times when I'm reading the documentation for base R functions, it is not immediately obvious to me how I should use it. Personally, Tidyverse packages are more intuitive and easier to use, which is probably the main reason why I prefer it.

However, as I mentioned in the introduction, there are times when I want an R script to have little to no dependencies. In one of my scripts, I need to convert data back to wide format and used pivot_wider. But now I can use the base R function reshape without having to install the tidyr package.

Further reading

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