One of the classic bioinformatics problems is converting files from one format into another. In this post, I go through the process of creating a PED and MAP file from a VCF file. All the files described in this post are available in this GitHub repository.

Firstly download the script from the 1000 Genomes Project's FTP site.

chmod 755

For this post I have a simple VCF file (ex2.vcf.gz) that is bgzipped. This VCF file is missing a lot of metadata but for the purposes of this post, it doesn't matter because the required information is there.

gunzip -c ex2.vcf.gz 
#CHROM  POS     ID      REF     ALT     QUAL    FILTER  INFO    FORMAT  NA00001 NA00002 NA00003 NA00004 NA00005 NA00006 NA00007 NA00008 NA00009 NA00010
1       10000   .       C       T       99      PASS    DP=14   GT      0/0     0/0     0/0     0/0     0/0     0/0     0/0     0/0     0/0     0/0
2       20000   .       G       A       99      PASS    DP=14   GT      0/1     0/1     0/1     0/1     0/1     0/0     0/0     0/0     0/0     0/0
2       25000   .       G       A       99      PASS    DP=14   GT      0/1     0/1     0/1     0/1     0/1     0/0     0/0     0/0     0/0     0/0
3       30000   .       T       A       99      PASS    DP=11   GT      0/0     0/0     0/0     0/0     0/0     0/1     0/1     0/1     0/1     0/1
4       40000   .       A       G       99      PASS    DP=10   GT      1/1     0/0     1/1     0/0     1/1     0/0     1/1     0/0     1/1     0/0
5       50000   .       T       G       99      PASS    DP=13   GT      0/0     1/1     0/0     1/1     0/0     1/1     0/0     1/1     0/0     1/1
6       60000   .       T       C       99      PASS    DP=13   GT      0/0     0/0     0/0     0/0     0/0     0/1     0/1     0/1     0/1     0/1
7       70000   .       C       G       99      PASS    DP=9    GT      1/1     1/1     1/1     1/1     1/1     1/1     1/1     1/1     1/1     1/1
8       80000   .       C       G       99      PASS    DP=9    GT      1/1     1/1     1/1     1/1     1/1     0/0     0/0     0/0     0/0     0/0

# index with tabix
tabix -p vcf ex2.vcf.gz

The script requires a panel file, which is a four columned file as seen below. I have added a phenotype column to the panel file, so that I can add phenotypic information to the PED file after it is created.

cat ex2.panel 
sample  pop     super_pop       gender  phenotype
NA00001 AUS     AUS     male    1
NA00002 AUS     AUS     female  1
NA00003 AUS     AUS     male    1
NA00004 AUS     AUS     female  1
NA00005 AUS     AUS     male    1
NA00006 AUS     AUS     female  2
NA00007 AUS     AUS     male    2
NA00008 AUS     AUS     female  2
NA00009 AUS     AUS     male    2
NA00010 AUS     AUS     female  2

The script requires four parameters. The VCF file (-vcf), the panel file (-sample_panel_file), the region of interest (-region), and the population (-population). You can specify regions as ref:start-end or simply ref. If your chromosomes are listed as "chr1" instead of "1", the region needs to be "chr1". I prefer seeing nucleotides instead of numbers, so I also use -base_format letter.

I run the script twice, once for region 1 and once for region 2. There is no output for region 1 because all the individuals are homozygous for the reference base.

# nothing because everyone is homozygous to the reference
perl -vcf ex2.vcf.gz -sample_panel_file ex2.panel -region 1 -population AUS

perl -vcf ex2.vcf.gz -sample_panel_file ex2.panel -region 2 -population AUS -base_format letter

cat 2.ped
AUS_1   NA00003 0       0       0       0       G A     G A
AUS_2   NA00006 0       0       0       0       G G     G G
AUS_3   NA00010 0       0       0       0       G G     G G
AUS_4   NA00008 0       0       0       0       G G     G G
AUS_5   NA00009 0       0       0       0       G G     G G
AUS_6   NA00001 0       0       0       0       G A     G A
AUS_7   NA00007 0       0       0       0       G G     G G
AUS_8   NA00004 0       0       0       0       G A     G A
AUS_9   NA00002 0       0       0       0       G A     G A
AUS_10  NA00005 0       0       0       0       G A     G A

The first six columns of a PED file are:

  1. Family ID
  2. Individual ID
  3. Paternal ID
  4. Maternal ID
  5. Sex (1=male; 2=female; other=unknown)
  6. Phenotype

Notice that 2.ped has zeros for paternal and maternal ID, sex, and phenotype despite having that information in the panel file. If you look in the script, the print_ped() subroutine simply prints zeros for those columns.

print $FILE join("\t", $pedigree, $individual, 0, 0, 0, 0,);

I have written a Perl script to make use of the additional phenotype column I added in the panel file to create a new PED file.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

my $usage = "Usage: <infile.ped> <infile.panel>\n";
my $ped = shift or die $usage;
my $panel = shift or die $usage;

my %phenotype = ();
open(IN, '<', $panel) || die "Could not open $panel: $!\n";
   next if /^sample/;
   my ($sample, $pop, $super_pop, $gender, $phenotype) = split(/\t/);
   $phenotype{$sample} = $phenotype;

open(IN, '<', $ped) || die "Could not open $ped: $!\n";
   my @line = split(/\t/);
   my $indi = $line[1];
   if (exists $phenotype{$indi}){
      $line[5] = $phenotype{$indi};
   } else {
      die "Missing $indi in $panel\n";
   print join("\t", @line), "\n";



Now to run the script.

# you can use
# instead of creating a temp file 2.ped ex2.panel > blah
mv -f blah 2.ped

cat 2.ped 
AUS_1   NA00003 0       0       0       1       G A     G A
AUS_2   NA00006 0       0       0       2       G G     G G
AUS_3   NA00010 0       0       0       2       G G     G G
AUS_4   NA00008 0       0       0       2       G G     G G
AUS_5   NA00009 0       0       0       2       G G     G G
AUS_6   NA00001 0       0       0       1       G A     G A
AUS_7   NA00007 0       0       0       2       G G     G G
AUS_8   NA00004 0       0       0       1       G A     G A
AUS_9   NA00002 0       0       0       1       G A     G A
AUS_10  NA00005 0       0       0       1       G A     G A

The script also creates an info file.

2:20000 20000
2:25000 25000

The info file contains a generic ID (if your variant in the VCF file doesn't contain an ID) and location of the ID. We can use this information to create a MAP file. By default, each line of the MAP file describes a single marker and must contain exactly 4 columns:

  1. chromosome (1-22, X, Y or 0 if unplaced)
  2. rs# or snp identifier
  3. Genetic distance (morgans)
  4. Base-pair position (bp units)

I have written another Perl script to create a MAP file from the INFO file. This script assumes that I can get the reference chromosome from the INFO file and that reference chromosomes start with a digit. You'll need to change it if you want to identify chromosomes that start with a 'chr' and to identify sex and mitochondrial chromosomes.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

my $usage = "Usage: <>\n";
my $infile = shift or die $usage;

my $chr = '';

if ($infile =~ /^(\d+)\_*.*\.info$/){
   $chr = $1;
} else {
   die "Could not work out chromosome from $infile\n";

open(IN, '<', $infile) || die "Could not open $infile: $!\n";
   my ($id, $bp) = split(/\t/);
   print join("\t", $chr, $id, 0, $bp), "\n";



Running the script. >

2       2:20000 0       20000
2       2:25000 0       25000

Finally, we can create a BED file from the PED and MAP file and perform a simple association test for each variant using PLINK.

# PED to BED
plink --file 2 --make-bed --out 2

# simple association test
plink --bfile 2 --model --out data --allow-no-sex

cat data.model 
 CHR       SNP   A1   A2     TEST            AFF          UNAFF        CHISQ   DF            P
   2   2:20000    A    G     GENO          0/0/5          0/5/0           NA   NA           NA
   2   2:20000    A    G    TREND           0/10            5/5           10    1     0.001565
   2   2:20000    A    G  ALLELIC           0/10            5/5        6.667    1     0.009823
   2   2:20000    A    G      DOM            0/5            5/0           NA   NA           NA
   2   2:20000    A    G      REC            0/5            0/5           NA   NA           NA
   2   2:25000    A    G     GENO          0/0/5          0/5/0           NA   NA           NA
   2   2:25000    A    G    TREND           0/10            5/5           10    1     0.001565
   2   2:25000    A    G  ALLELIC           0/10            5/5        6.667    1     0.009823
   2   2:25000    A    G      DOM            0/5            5/0           NA   NA           NA
   2   2:25000    A    G      REC            0/5            0/5           NA   NA           NA

Update on blog

I'll try to make an effort to write more posts, even if they are short, like this VCF to PED post. I have been preparing a gigantic post for over six months and I don't think I will ever finish it, so I'll just split it into several smaller posts.

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