How mappable is a specific repeat?

If you’ve ever wondered how mappable a specific repeat is, here’s a quick post on creating a plot showing the mappability of a repetitive element along its consensus sequence. Specifically, the consensus sequence of a repeat was taken and sub-sequences were created by a sliding window approach (i.e. moving along the sequence) at 1 bp…

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ENCODE RNA polymerase II ChIP-seq

Updated 2018 November 8th: include section on MACS2 Chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) is a high throughput method for investigating protein-DNA interactions and aims to determine whether specific proteins are interacting with specific genomic loci. The workflow consists of crosslinking DNA and protein together, usually via the use of formaldehyde, which induces protein-DNA and protein-protein crosslinks….

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Understanding the BAM flags

I’ve tried to explain the BAM flags to my colleagues and I think each time I have left them more confused. So perhaps I can do a better job of explaining BAM flags in writing. For this post, I will use this BAM file from the 1000 Genomes Project: NA18553.chrom11.ILLUMINA.bwa.CHB.low_coverage.20120522.bam.

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